Monday, October 25, 2010

Creative Ideas That Will Change The Future Of Energy

With the energy crisis at hand a lot of people are creating remarkable devices that can capture energy from things most people would not even think of.  While conducting some research I came across tidal energy.  Basically turbines are put underwater and are propelled by the constant movement of ocean tides.  After seeing this I came across another innovative invention called the VIVACE (Vortex Induced Vibrations for Aquatic Clean Energy).  Developed by Michael Bernitsas and his team, the VIVACE can harness energy from water currents moving slower than 2 knots.  This is remarkable considering the fact that most water turbines need water moving at least 5 knots to operate. 
This invention I believe appeals to both conservative and liberal view points on the subject of alternative energy.  Installing devices like the VIVACE will provide jobs and stimulate the market because new materials will be needed to create VIVACE’s.  Jobs like these can replace jobs lost in the fossil fuel market, if and when the world switches to alternative energy sources.  Also, the VIVACE runs purely on the vibrations in water currents, a plentiful resource that will be around as long as humans are.  This means that non-renewable resources that are being vastly consumed by today’s population will eventually come to an end; leading to the end of large carbon emissions into the atmosphere and other forms of pollution created by the consumption of fossil fuels.
Not one new way of capturing energy will fix the worlds dependence on oil, but creative inventions like this one is what will fix today’s energy crisis. 


  1. This post is very interesting. I think that now is a really interesting time for people to be inventing new technologies that can help us in our every day lives. Right now, we're at a very pivotal time in the world. Resources are being depleted, people are running out of food, and essentially everyone is going crazy. I think with the larger amount of resources we have available to us, the more we'll be able to adequately survive in this world for a longer amount of time.

  2. These are the kinds of inventions that the world is starving for. The Earth's non-renewable resources will eventually be used up, and then what? It's actually really incredible how simple the idea really is too, I mean sticking a turbine into a water current is about a simple as it gets for energy - it'd be a hell of a lot easier than drilling for oil or natural gas. I like your points that it will create jobs and stimulate the economy as well. Overall this is just a good idea.
