Friday, October 8, 2010

An Optimal Method

In June 2009, “The American Clean Energy Act” was passed as a means of decreasing carbon emissions and eventually eliminating our nation’s dependence on fossil fuels.  This bill’s strategy was to use cap-and-trade methods to break our dependence.  In my opinion the cap-and-trade technique is optimal because its goal is to protect the environment without restricting economic growth.  It appeals to both sides of the argument on going green.  What more can anyone ask for?
The problem: Our economy is not prospering.  People’s pockets are very shallow and therefore “green” energy techniques are not a priority anymore.  Even with the recent BP oil-spill clean energy is not as popular as it should be in the upcoming midterm elections.  Unemployment doesn’t help either.  With the halt of offshore drilling, oil workers are feeling unemployment worse than most Americans.
There are a lot of strategies to consider and choices to be made in the near future involving energy.  My opinion is that we should continue with a cap-and-trade method.  Yes gas prices have been relatively stable, but that doesn’t mean people should not push for an alteration to greener energy methods.  Why wait until gas prices skyrocket?  Why wait until fossil fuels are completely consumed?  If we are dependent on fossil fuels when they diminish our economy will have a real problem.  At least we can start moving away from our dependence now without major deficits to our economy (as long as the alternative approach to energy is economic friendly like a cap-and-trade method).  But if we wait America is going to have real problems.


  1. I agree with what you are saying. We dont need to wait until we run out of our fuels before we find an alternative source. We should really make some progress now in research so when we do eventually run out of fossil fuels we will have something else to turn to. Nice post.

  2. I think that we should start finding sources of green energy, before it becomes necessary to use alternative energy.And I have a question, what is the cap-and-trade technique?

  3. Click on the link connected with the words cap-and-trade in the post. That will give you an understanding of cap-and-trade.
