Monday, October 25, 2010

Implications Post

Implications of an unresolved problem concerning fossil fuels and alternative energy will be devastating both for the economy and for the environment.  According to an article I read about fossil fuels the world can potentially run out of fossil fuels between 15 and 60 years from now at the present rate of consumption.  This will be economically devastating if the world continues to be dependent on these non-renewable resources.  Currently 28% of the world’s energy comes from coal, 40% of the world’s energy comes from oil, and 20% of the world’s energy comes from natural gas.  Once these run out there is going to be an economic deficiency and I believe the world will go into panic mode.  Most of the world’s automobiles, planes, trains, etc. run on these non-renewable resources and when these resources are gone there will be no more means of transportation.  Also a large part of the world’s power plants will be forced to shut down, causing further economic deficiency.  With the backbone of the world’s economy at a halt the world will not be able to function as it is now.  People will not be able to travel as efficiently, goods and services that were once considered a necessity will become luxuries.  The world will be sent into the dark ages.  So if the world as a whole does not find alternative energy sources quickly then the world is at risk of catastrophe.
A similar implications are true with the environment.  The use of fossil fuels pollutes the earth in more ways than one and if the world continues to use fossil fuels then we will continue to destroy our environment.  Eventually, the destruction of the environment could be so vast that entire ecosystems will be wiped out and the world will be altered forever.  This could lead to economic problems as well.  Tourism may decrease in places where environments, that were once beautiful to tour, are destroyed and those places may lose money because of lack of tourism. 

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