Friday, October 15, 2010

If everyone else is doing it... Why not us?

China, Cuba, Brazil, and Mexico are just a few of the many countries that are putting up substantial amounts of money for the exploration of oil and the construction of oil rigs.  The recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has done nothing to deter these countries from expanding their offshore drilling practices, but it has done a lot to deter us from expanding ours.  What does not make sense to me is the fact that other countries are drilling right off the cost of Florida.  Ok, maybe the United States believed that other countries would follow our moratorium of off shore drilling, but no one is.  I think we should continue offshore drilling and offshore drilling exploration.  We just need to proceed with caution and be ready for any future disasters involving oil.
This does not mean to limit research and development of greener technologies.  Alternative technologies are what we need to eventually depend on.  But right now off-shore drilling and other fossil fuel related energy methods should not be abandoned.
Obama believes that the next world super power will be the country that leads the world in green technology.  This statement is only part correct; the world is not ready to completely move away from the consumption of fossil fuels yet.  That is why I believe the next world power will be the country that leads the world in green technology along with old-fashioned fossil fuel technology.

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