Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Links" Post

This blog played a key role in my development on the topic of alternative energy.  With its interesting posts and integrated videos it has allowed me to learn different methods of renewable energy in a quick and easy manner.
This website allowed me to further expand my knowledge on alternative energies.  It provided unbiased information about alternative energy.
This website was extremely useful when I was deciphering the different political viewpoints on energy.  The site breaks up different viewpoints on political matters between liberals, libertarians, centrists, statists, and conservatives.  This site would also be helpful to find many political viewpoints from different political parties on different subject matters.
This CNBC article provided current unbiased news about energy in the upcoming midterm elections.  It allowed me to get a basis of knowledge about the topic of energy in the upcoming midterm elections.
This blog allowed me to get an understanding about what was going on with last year’s politics concerning energy.  It provided me a good basis for my knowledge about energy in the midterm elections.
This blog was written by a conservative and exposed me to some biased material about the BP oil-spill and some other views on alternative energy.  It was good to get some biased views from a conservative standpoint concerning my subject.
This blog provided some liberal incite on my subject matter.  It also provided a good basis of energy and how it has developed over the past few hundred years.

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