Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Biased Views

I was doing some research about alternative energy and stumbled upon the completely polarized views on the BP oil spill.  This one weblog: “Let’s talk about this oil spill,” frustrated me.  It is a completely biased blog; it bashes Obama and his administration for either using the oil spill disaster to halt offshore drilling in our oceans or for not having a capable plan that could provide solutions for the disaster.   I agree that the clean-up efforts have been weak, but I would go as far as saying the government is involved in a conspiracy.  The idea that Obama and his administration just let the BP oil spill happen is a bit farfetched, but everybody has their opinions.
What frustrates me is the number of biased articles that are out there, especially on this topic of alternative energy.  Although it should be accepted considering the opposing viewpoints related with politics, I still think these viewpoints are counterproductive.  Why waste time arguing over what should be done?  Why not come to an agreement?  I know political wars have been around since the dark ages and a lot of people have asked these questions before, but I felt the need to further emphasize them. 
If liberal views and conservative views could come to a medium the government would become exponentially more productive, especially in the field of alternative energy.  What I have been saying all throughout my blog would be a result of this phenomenon.  America would make a gradual shift from fossil fuels to other forms of energy without the loss of jobs or a devastated economy.  We would once again lead the world through the next century.  But if politics continue to sway us from a decision, other superpowers will pass us with ease.

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