Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NC Alternative Energy

I was recently conducting some research about recent news involving alternative energy and I came across an interesting article.  Basically I learned that even in the midst of our economic troubles, alternative energy companies in North Carolina are growing rapidly.  According to this year’s census, there has been a 22% increase of alternative energy company employees.  Also, “N.C.’s renewable energy and energy efficiency industries continuing to lead the Southeast and a majority of respondents believe that our state is poised to become a national leader provided North Carolina adopts necessary policies and efforts to promote and expand the industries.”
It is a reassuring feeling to hear that even with recent economic troubles alternative energy is growing.  This is the kind of alteration America needs to wean off of fossil fuels and to become a greener nation.  The fact that these renewable energy companies are growing after the recent economic depression shows the potential these companies have.  Alternative energy companies are vital for our countries future and it feels good to live in the state that may be leading our country in renewable energy.  Hopefully in the near future more states will be recognized on their implementation of alternative energy into the economy.  Actions like these will allow America to lead the world in green technology and guarantee America’s position as the worlds superpower for the next century.


  1. This is a really interesting post! I never knew that North Carolina was in the forefront in the development of alternate energy industries. Its great that these companies continue to grow, even through these tougher economic times.

  2. I agree wih you when you say that it is a good sign that even though our country has been through a recent economic crisis we people here in NC are still trying to find greener energy sources. The switch to greener energy sources will decrese our dependancy on foreign oil, and allow America to have a leg up on other nations in terms of green enrgy. It will save money and pollution! GO GREEN ENERGY!!
